RSW 2023 Children's Competitions - Winner Showcase

We are pleased to announce the winners and runners up for our children's colouring competition which aimed to serve as a basic platform for parents, guardians and teachers to start conversations with children as to the importance of safety on and around the railway.

It's never too early to start building safety together and we are delighted by the engagement with the competition.  Well done to all the children who took part in our Rail Safety Week 2023 Children's Competitions and congratulations to all our winners!

A big thank you to Bessie Matthews, who kindly provided the colouring competition artwork. Bessie is the author and illustrator of Arlo's Adventures and is a fantastic role model in the industry for inspiring young people to interact safely with the railway.

Aged 7-8 winners

1st Place: Isabella - aged 8

Spot the 'mind the gap' yellow line which received great praise from our judging panel, along with the technical accuracy of the red and white on the barrier and warning light!

Aged 4-6 winners

1st Place: Alex- aged 6

The neatness and accuracy of the red and white on the barrier and warning light made Alex's colouring stand out for 1st place!

2nd Place: Kai- aged 8

Our judges liked the accuracy of the safety colours on the warning light and the barrier as well as the neatness of colouring.

2nd Place: Reuben - aged 6

Our judges loved the addition of the birds, butterfly and sun.

3rd Place: Zara - aged 7

The lovely expression from Zara in the colouring stood out, both on the train and the bushes.

3rd Place: Jack- aged 5

A great contrast of colours on Jack's colouring.

Special mention

We would also like to give a special mention to Zoe aged 3 who saw her sister colouring in the artwork and wanted to participate too. Zoe's mum sent it in with a lovely post-it-note anecdote to make her happy!

Thank you to our prize sponsors

A big thank you to British Transport Police who sponsored the 7-8 years age group and Babcock for sponsoring the 4-6 years age category.

1st place winners will be receiving Waterstones vouchers valued at £30, 2nd place at £20 and 3rd place at £15.

Thank you also to Community Rail Education Network who is providing all the winners with a signed copy of 'Arlo's Adventures: There and Back - A pick-a-path railway safety book'.

Wordsearch winner

Our final competition announcement is the winner of our Wordsearch competition which was designed for children aged 8-11.

Babcock International kindly sponsored an amazing prize of a railway Lego set for one lucky winner. We had an amazing response to the Wordsearch and all correctly highlighted submissions were entered into a draw. Congratulations to Alys aged 8 who will be receiving the prize!

In addition to a rail Lego set, Alys will receive a signed copy of Arlo's Adventures courtesy of Community Rail Education Network.

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