Rail Safety Statistics & Reports

  • RSSB's Annual Health and Safety Report (2023/24)

    RSSB's Annual Health and Safety Report unpacks risks across the rail network, as identified in the Rail Health and Safety Strategy, and the work being done to avert them.

    Key highlights in the report include asset integrity, train operations, occupational health and wellbeing and passenger operations.

  • RSSB Right Track Magazine

    RSSB's quarterly Right Track magazine is designed for the people on the operational front line. It captures, shares and promotes safety learning and initiatives from across the industry. With feature articles on everything rail safety related, it’s a useful part of your safety briefing toolkit.

  • ORR's Annual Health and Safety Report (2021/22)

    ORR's report highlights marked improvement in track worker safety risk exposure. Ensuring that the mainline rail industry remains focused on the basics of health & safety management as it prepares for reform and substantial change is one of the key messages.  The report highlights that Britain’s railways remain amongst the safest in Europe and that risk on the mainline railway is at an all-time low. However, concerns remain about recent accidents and near misses, particularly in non-mainline sectors, and the need to strengthen safety management and oversight following the pandemic.

  • RAIB: Annual Report 2021 (published 2022)

    Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) independently investigate accidents to improve railway safety and inform the industry and the public. See their annual report for 2021 here.

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