East Midlands Railway

East Midlands Railway

EMR focused on reducing staff abuse and physical assaults with a ‘Be Kind’ campaign to humanise their staff and promote kindness. The “Be Kind” badges were developed by Penny Jayne Bond at LNER and the campaign was launched with LNER’s help and support. This is a great example of collaboration, TOCs working together and sharing ideas to help improve safety. Check out this short video which sums up the spirit of the campaign.  If you witness any verbal or physical abuse whilst using the railway, please text BTP on 61016.

Alongside this, internally, they promoted the importance of speaking up and reporting faults and unsafe behaviour. Their fleet Production took the opportunity on Tuesday to review their Heath, Safety & Wellbeing plan comments to form an action plan, and launched their 2023 Safety Plan with a selection of their H&S Rep’s.

In addition, Will Rogers (Rail Forum Chair / Managing Director at EMR) was interviewed alongside our Rail Safety Week launch conference by Learn Live for a broadcast into schools. Watch or listen to the recording on the Rail Safety Week Podcasts page of our website.

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